

The Subclass 408 Temporary Activity visa allows people to come to Australia to engage in cultural, social, and exchange programs and to do specific kinds of paid work including to play or coach sport, engage in religious work, participate in academic programs or exchanges, work in the entertainment industry, work at conferences or conventions, and engage in Australian Government endorsed events.

In many cases you need an Australian organisation to formally sponsor you for the visa or you need to enlist the support of an exchange program or business or sporting organisation who would then invite you to attend a particular event whether sporting, cultural or religious.

The Temporary Activity visa is a temporary visa that can be granted for up to 12 months. You can apply for this visa from inside or outside Australia. Family members can be included in the application.

Subclass 408 – Australian Government endorsed events (COVID-19 Pandemic event)

You can apply for a Subclass 408 COVID-19 Pandemic visa if you are in Australia and your visa is expiring. To apply you need to meet the following criteria:

1. You are working or have a job offer in a critical sector (agriculture, food processing, health care, aged care, disability care, childcare, or tourism and hospitality); or
2. You are unable to depart Australia before the expiry of your visa due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.

These visas will be granted to up to 12 months if you are working in a critical sector and up to 3 months if you cannot leave Australia due to travel restrictions.

For advice about applying for a Subclass 408 to benefit your migration strategy, and particularly if you are working or have a job offer in hospitality (including as a waiter or kitchen hand) and / or your current visa is expiring and you cannot depart Australia, please contact 黑料网.

Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408)

Who can apply for this visa

You can apply for this visa if you:

  • intend to stay in Australia for more than three months and have an Australian sponsor for your activity;
  • meet the requirements of the activity type in which you are applying for this visa;
  • have adequate funds for you and your family while you are in Australia. This can include payment arrangements for your Australian work;
  • have adequate arrangements for health insurance while you are in Australia;
  • meet health and character requirements;
  • genuinely intend to remain temporarily in Australia to do the work or activity specified in your application.

To discover whether you are eligible for a Temporary Activity visa, we invite you to book a consultation with one of our expert migration lawyers.

Visa Conditions

When the visa is granted, it will have certain conditions attached to it. Amongst others, the following conditions will apply:

  • your work/activities must be restricted to those indicated in the application;
  • maintain adequate health insurance for the full duration of stay in Australia (for primary visa holder as well as any secondary applicants). Health insurance must be obtained in order to be granted this visa;
  • maintain adequate means of financial support for the full duration of stay in Australia.

You must:

  • have the skills to undertake the activity to be carried out in Australia;
  • be supported or sponsored by an Australian organisation or business;
  • meet additional requirements of the relevant visa stream.

Processing times are not available for this visa.

The visa costs AUD$310 for the main applicant. There is no cost if you are applying for a COVID-19 Pandemic visa.

There is also a charge for each family member who applies for the visa with you.

To work out how much your visa might cost use the .

The estimator does not include other costs including police certificates, health checks, biometrics, and the professional fees of an immigration lawyer/agent.

To discover whether you are eligible for a Temporary Activity visa, we invite you to book a consultation with one of our expert migration lawyers.

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